Security Bollards have been used for decades to protect people and property from unwanted intruders. Here's a quick look at the most common errors made when Installing Bollards.

Automated Bollards are a popular way to keep pedestrians and vehicles safe by creating clear spaces around outside areas. There are many benefits to installing Bollards for public and private safety. Bollards act as a physical and visual barrier for pedestrians and vehicles.
When installed and maintained correctly, Bollards can last many years and be a great defense against numerous situations. Here's a quick look at the most common errors when installing Bollards.
Site Requirements and Legal Qualifications
When choosing the ideal Automated Bollard for your site, it is necessary to look at the legal requirements and the site plans. It is important to check with the city to ensure that your Bollard is built up to code with the right permits. You may need to discuss these qualifications with your site planner and city ordinance to make sure it is not an issue in case of emergency. It is also necessary to make sure there is sufficient spacing between Bollards for a wheelchair and motorized chairs following the Americans with Disabilities Act. There should be enough space for bikes and pedestrians to pass through but narrow enough to prevent a vehicle from navigating through, which is three to five feet apart.

Possible Installation Hazards
Before digging it is important to make sure that there are no hazards such as pipes, gas lines, and how high or low the water table is to avoid potential hazards. By discussing your plans with a site planner, they can prevent these issues from happening. After drilling the holes for the Automated Bollards and mixing cement for the base, it is important to clear your workspace. If there is debris or other loose objects it could impact the placement and even weight distribution of the Bollard. A mistake that can be made while installing is putting a Bollard down into any surface without a cement base without drainage holes to allow water to escape. A concrete base will be the least likely to weather down or deteriorate over time. The drainage holes allow the Bollards to not fill with water and cause extensive rust damage over an extended amount of time. Without the proper base, it is possible for the Bollard to fall, and could be a hazard that could cause injury.
Different types of Bollards

There are a variety of Bollard options when looking for a security solution. Below are the most common styles and uses.
Common Decorative or Architectural
These Bollards are often found in front of buildings or pathways. These are designed to keep pedestrians safe while enhancing the area. You would often see this on the side of heavy walking traffic areas and in front of landmarks. The most traditional styled Bollard is made of cast iron, a durable aesthetic solution.

Collapsible Bollards
These Bollards are used to block a path for pedestrians or vehicle traffic, allowing access for emergency and delivery vehicles. This is a more versatile option as it can be retracted back into the ground once not in use. For example, if you want to only allow employee vehicles then it can be raised and lowered when needed.

High-Security and Crash-rated Bollards
Used in public, private areas and commercial property including worksites to create a path to guide vehicles in these areas. They are a counter-terror measure that can withstand impact. This is a common security solution for airports, stadiums and governmental offices. These Bollards are often made of steel and stainless steel giving the surrounding area a more contemporary look.

Anti-Ram Bollards
These Bollards are installed in front of a store with high valued items to prevent a “smash and grab” burglary. This crime usually includes a vehicle that drives into the storefront and they try to grab as much as they can in a short amount of time.
Installing Bollards is a simple procedure with the right heavy-duty equipment tools or professionals. They can be installed in existing concrete, or you can pour new concrete for the base.
Importance of Bollards Maintenance
If you purchased Bollards suited for your environment and they are installed properly, they are meant to last for a lengthy period of time. However, if maintenance goes neglected then it can lead to natural issues such as environmental degradation and vandalism. To keep the area of your property aesthetically pleasing it is necessary to keep them clean and to aid in preventing any vandalism. Vehicle impact and improper maintenance can also cause major damage to the Bollard which will leave the once secured area to be exposed. Bollards are designed to withstand vehicle impact as it is used for a counter-terror measure.

What to look out for when needing to Maintain a Bollard
To keep your Bollards maintained, it is recommended to schedule quarterly or monthly maintenance and inspections. If there are any prominent issues such as dents, loose space for the Bollard to move in any direction other than up and down, cracks, rust, scratches, slow to rise or go down during operation, being filled with water, or there is an issue with the finish. Having a maintenance schedule, will prevent any excessive costs to replacing a Bollard and will have a long life span. If you are in need of Bollard maintenance, leave a message on our website to request a quote.
Sloan Security Group helps design the ideal Bollard solution for you with our vehicle and pedestrian access control review. By using vector analysis, we determine the maximum amount of speed that will be on impact and develop a customized solution. Our team will ensure that the Bollards are installed safely and securely. We provide the training that is needed for your team to be able to work the Bollards with ease. If there are any issues with your equipment, then our team of technicians will respond as soon as possible to repair or maintain the Bollards.
About Sloan Security Group, Inc. Sloan is quickly becoming the global leader in safe and effective perimeter security for distinctive brands and institutions such as Facebook, DoD, and DoS. Sloan specializes in crash-rated barriers, access control, and intrusion detection.
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Media Contact
Terin Pickett
Sloan Security Group, Inc.
6828 W. Melrose St.
Boise, ID 83709